One simple question that includes the 3-in-1 path,
asked consistently, can lead to your desired outcomes. Do you know what it is?
I won’t make you wait. Here it is: “Do my thoughts, words, and actions lead me
toward or away from my desired outcome?” Pretty straight-forward, don’t you
think? I do want to say something about desired outcomes: it’s best if they’re
aligned with and for your highest good or the highest good of all involved.
Negative or out-of-harmony intentions always find a way to bite you on the bum!
Let’s look at the 3-in-1: Thoughts, words, and
actions. Each are important, but one always affects the other two, and all
three always work together as one energy transmission to yourself, others, and
the Universe. You won’t speak or act in anger if your thoughts are peaceful or
appreciative. And your thoughts won’t be peaceful or appreciative if you speak
and/or act from anger. This is, of course, true for any emotion or feeling.
Just so you’re clear, I’m not saying anger (or any
emotion you don’t desire to feel) is a bad thing and that you shouldn’t engage
it; after all, it’s there to get your attention on what’s not working for you.
I am saying you can feel anger (or any emotion you don’t desire to feel) and
still communicate what you need to from a place of inner peace, or at least a
calmer demeanor, even or especially if you need a bit of time to get into this
“space”. Thoughts, words, and actions can be and are choices, and choices
always create results or consequences. This is one reason the question works in
and on your behalf at all times. So, let’s look at the three aspects.
Thoughts are about more than just having them;
about more than just thinking positive. They are also about deeper contemplations
that lead you to make significant connections, like connect-the-dots drawings,
to reveal and see the bigger, holistic picture you, others, and Source are a
part of. They’re like one of those starter fire logs: potential is within them
once lit (with enough energy provided, that is), for desired or undesired
outcomes, depending on what you do with them. We usually turn thoughts into
Words have power. They can heal, they can harm,
they can create. They can uplift and support or they can suppress or crush. The
moment you speak, you’ve added fuel to the fire, whether that’s kindling to
build a cozy fire that provides warmth and comfort, and even to cook, or
gasoline that causes an explosion or a fire that burns out of control until
time runs it out or something is done to put it out. Thoughts have power. Put
them into words and you’ve enhanced or amplified their influence on your
cause-and-effect outcome. Speaking words is also an action, as much as any
physical action is.
Actions are like pushing down on the accelerator
of a car. You’re in motion until you put your foot on the brake to deliberately
stop or pause (or you run out of fuel). If you’re on a “good road,” you more
than likely have a good travel experience. If you’re on a road under bad, unpleasant,
or unfavorable conditions, like ice, you go into a skid or flip, and don’t know
the outcome, good or not-good, until you do.
Desired and undesired outcomes don’t come about
only as a result of what we think, say, or do deliberately. They also come to
us as a result of how we respond or react when under pressure, which shows us
what we’ve worked on about ourselves, as well as what still needs work. Both of
these paths show us a great deal about what our relationship with ourselves,
others, and Source is. Note: every relationship with others and with Source is
ultimately a reflection of the one we have with our self. This fact may not be
comfortable, and may even be scary, but it is accurate.
Observing ourselves in these ways is a handy
assessment tool or method. This isn’t meant to be used for self-judgment, just
self-assessment and conscious, deliberate inner work. It’s like an eye exam.
You take an eye test, not to pass or fail it, but to take measurements. The
results of the measurements show you where you are and what you need, to help
you maintain or adjust your vision. It’s the same for your vision of you and
your life, others, and Source.
Too often it’s too easy, and even endorsed by
society to be “clever” with our comments or opinions, to say or spew whatever
we think without thinking about it first. I recently shared a quote on social
sites (attribution unknown) that expresses a misunderstanding some people or
society in general often have: “Don’t ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my
calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness.” People who practice
silence, calmness, and kindness are sometimes viewed in a negative manner, as
though personal power can be expressed only through aggression, when the
opposite is true and aligned with Truth. Sometimes we focus more on what our
ego-aspect thinks it can gain through being “clever” or hurtful or the
“winner”, than what we might lose.
In an article for “O” (Oprah’s magazine),
Catherine Newman wrote: “…life isn’t about avoiding trouble; it’s about being
present, even through the hard stuff, so you don’t miss the very thing you’re
trying not to lose.” When we don’t use the 3-in-1 question, we tend to lose
something, whether that’s the desired outcome; traction; any advance we’ve
made; or confidence or faith in ourselves and/or the process; trust in Source;
or even something remarkable within us waiting to be discovered, revealed, and
You could say the desired outcome to be in harmony
and productive collaboration with ourselves, others, and Source is a good and
even ultimate one to have. It covers a lot of ground, an expansive territory we
call life and our experience of it. The way to attain or accomplish this is to
consistently ask: Do my thoughts, words, and actions lead me toward or away
from my desired outcome? It’s a good practice, one you’ll appreciate.
Practice makes progress.
© Joyce Shafer
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