do mental attitude, beliefs, and faith have as a common denominator?
Self-talk—that great self-saboteur. Ready to take your conscious and
subconscious self-talk to a whole new level?
the topics of mental attitude, beliefs, and faith can feel like something
outside of us. Let’s place these firmly within us, where they belong, and as
the power generators they are intended to be for us.
can you know for certain what it is that you really believe? Well, what you
really believe is what you practice,
consciously (objectively) or subconsciously (subjectively). What you practice is what you have faith in;
but, this is a statement that’s more involved than you might think. Ernest
Holmes said this about faith in his book, The
Science of Mind: “When you analyze
faith you find that it is a mental attitude against which there is no longer
any contradiction in the mind that entertains it.” What often happens is that
we aren’t aware of the subjective contradictions hidden within our mental
attitude, sometimes in plain sight. What if there’s a way to shine the light of
Truth on subjective contradictions in a way that empowers you as never before?
A few paragraphs from now, I’m going to show you how you can do this.
are some of the things we typically have faith in, when we consider faith to be
a mental attitude absent of contradictions? Well, some of them are supportive
and some of them are not. As a non-supportive example, we have faith in fear.
Do you immediately feel you want to contradict that statement? How’s this for
evidence, then? Keeping in mind that faith is a mental attitude about something
your mind has no contradiction with: Do you have faith that your job security
is not secure? (More about security in a moment.) Do you have faith that you’ll
never be financially serene? Do you have faith that you’ll never have the
quality relationship (with whomever) that you desire? Do you have faith that
you’ll never experience health and well-being in the way you desire? Do you
have faith that your strength, support, and/or supply come from others? What
else might you add here that your mental attitude has no subjective
contradiction with, no matter what you affirm and know you desire?
keeping in mind that faith is a mental attitude about something that your mind
has no contradiction with: What about your faith in your talents, skills,
creative abilities? Do you have faith that you can do or perform well anything
you’re good at? Do you have faith that you can learn new things? Do you have
faith that you can handle well the tools of your trade you are familiar with?
Do you have faith that you can do the everyday things you usually do?
are many, many things about you and
what you do that you do so naturally and automatically that you seldom give
thought to them or, perhaps, ever feel and express your appreciation about
them. Anything, no matter how small or large or significant or seemingly
insignificant that you do (and maybe take for granted) is always a
demonstration of a mental attitude (belief, faith) that your mind has no
contradiction with. How did you reach this attitude?
demonstrated it to yourself; and more than likely, this demonstration had you
start from where you were, whatever your age was or means were at the time, and
involved practice until whatever it was you were learning became natural and
automatic for you. Even if there sometimes were challenges about it, you still
felt sure enough about yourself and your abilities to meet each challenge.
Maybe it even felt like a creative challenge, and you felt good and took pride
and enjoyment from meeting it.
also wrote this about faith, which he wrote in all capital letters, but that
was before the electronic age we enjoy today, when All Caps are now associated
with shouting at people: “Faith is a mental attitude which is so convinced of
its own idea—which so completely accepts it—that any contradiction is
unthinkable and impossible.” There are things you believe about yourself, life,
and Source that you completely accept—subjectively (subconsciously). You can
see how this can work against you or for you.
unique, powerful way to assist you whenever you need to shift your thoughts out
of a negative mental attitude is to insert the words “I have faith that” before
any negative thought you’re holding. For example, let’s say you’re anxious
about an upcoming meeting. Your ego-aspect is fearful that it won’t go well.
How does it feel to make that a statement that proclaims “I have faith that
this meeting won’t go well for me.” That’s a whole different energy, when you
put specific words to what you’re feeling, isn’t it? If you preface any
fearful, negative, or non-supportive statement with “I have
faith that…,” such as in this example about the meeting, how will you behave
differently than if you don’t have that mental attitude, that “faith” that it
won’t go well for you?
saying the following, or give it a try now, as you read these statements, and
see how it feels to proclaim them:
I have faith that I don’t have Self worth.
I have faith that I don’t deserve the good Source
wants me to have.
I have faith that finances are a struggle for me.
I have faith that health is a problem for me.
I have faith that success is hard or impossible.
I have faith that I won’t recover from this
experience I’m having.
I have faith that negativity (anger, bitterness,
sorrow) is my path, and that I’ll never get over this or release this.
Every time you have and hold a negative
thought, you’re actually making an opposing “faith” statement—a proclamation,
without realizing it. You could keep going with more of these
statements of your own, but you see how a part of you really wants to go in
another direction from such opposing “faith” statements. Somewhere inside you,
a voice shouts, “No! No! No! That is NOT what I want or want to believe.” Or
maybe the voice shouted, “I absolutely DO NOT believe that, nor do I choose
to!” At least, I hope that’s what you experienced. Whenever you make a positive
affirmation but don’t put it into practice as a mental attitude, you’re being guided by a subjective opposing
“faith” statement, and that’s what you practice, without realizing it.
does it feel to make these statements?
I have faith that Source loves me unconditionally.
I have faith that Source supports and supplies me,
and is my only True resource because ALL is Source; ultimately, there is ONLY
I have faith that I am a good person, worthy of
all the good things Source has made available for me to use and enjoy.
I have faith that I can make wise and/or
appropriate choices on my behalf.
I have faith in my particular talents, skills, and
I have faith that I have the resources I need and
in right timing.
I have faith that with Source, which is ALWAYS on
my side, my True security in any area of my current life and my eternal life is
always assured.
else might you add to this regarding
what you have faith in about you, life, and Source? What would you like to add
or choose to add? If there’s a statement you want to add but feel a
contradiction about it, practice the opposing “faith” statement first so you
can feel the “No!” then shift it to a statement you have no contradiction with.
you currently have health issues, financial issues, or any other kinds of
issues you’re contending with. Having any issue, no matter your attitude, is not a sign of failure: You must look
with larger vision at this. You must
keep in mind or re-Mind yourself, as Catherine Ponder wrote, not to be
hypnotized by appearances. Having a particular mental attitude may or may
not quickly shift your experience or even shift it in the way your ego-aspect
prefers, but it will shift YOU in the
ways that benefit you most as a Spiritual Being, and be long-lasting.
the faith statement method offered above to assist you with this. As Holmes
wrote, faith “is a dynamic fact.”
This means your mental attitude is a dynamic fact. With faith and mental
attitude practiced in this way, the number and level of fears and negative
beliefs you may have carried for years begin to diminish and are replaced with
serenity, joy, enthusiasm, trust; and the good you’ve been waiting for begins
to show up, whether as an outer manifestation or an inner one that you feel. It’s
a good practice, one you’ll appreciate.
Practice makes progress.
© Joyce L. Shafer
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