Friday, March 30, 2012

Using Your Imagination and Law of Attraction

Does it feel easy or comfortable to imagine what you desire, and to see it as yours? If not, maybe there’s a very good reason this feels not as right as it might – one you’ll readily recognize.

Every time you think a thought, you use your imagination. And, whether you’re aware of it or not, you use your mental screen. You literally run a movie in your mind that gets your energy vibration “juices” flowing in one direction or the other. It doesn’t matter if you’re reviewing a situation, talking, or daydreaming. The “technical” aspects are the same.

We’re quite skilled at imagining in reverse. We do this each time we revisit something that happened before the present moment we’re in. It’s imagining forward – in a consistently positive, productive way – that’s a challenge for many of us. It’s a challenge for a number of reasons, including that we put more practice time in on mentally reliving unpleasant moments, which makes it all too easy to imagine future moments as unpleasant ones to anticipate.

Imagining in reverse is remembering. Imagining forward is daydreaming, no matter what other label you might use. And, as any young child discovers in school (and maybe from family members), daydreaming is a “punishable offense.”

We’re told daydreaming is unproductive and a waste of time. We’re told there’s something wrong with doing it or wrong with us if we do it. But, what is daydreaming, really – or, at least, the way it starts out for us as children? It’s envisioning something we desire, with positive, even delicious, anticipation. Is it any wonder that, after being conditioned in a negative way about daydreaming as children, we feel out of practice, or resistant or even hesitate to trust it as adults? Yet, it’s so important because its role is MAJOR in the Law of Attraction manifestation process.

We’re also discouraged from daydreaming because we aren’t supposed to get our hopes up about some of our desires being fulfilled. We’re told it’s a way to avoid disappointment; though, no one explains the disappointment we’ll feel as a result of suppressing our dreams and desires. We’re told this by others who had use of their imagination punished, ridiculed, or even whipped out of them. This leaves us feeling it’s safer, or at least more acceptable, to focus on “what is” than on What Is Possible. Nor or we encouraged to realize how many once-thought impossibilities are now realities.

Yet, “what is” and What Is Possible operate the same way as the Yin/Yang symbol: each becomes the other. Each feeds the other. The mavericks that make a positive and creative difference in this world, in any era, are the ones who use their imagination the way it’s meant to be used: To envision, dream, solve, resolve, and create. But, you don’t have to be a maverick to enjoy the benefits of daydreaming. You just have to be human.

We face a quandary when we don’t daydream deliberately, because Law of Attraction matches our energy vibration – comprised of a blend of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, mindset, and attitude. It matches the set-point of what we are willing to allow, first, freely in our imagination, and then freely as our experience. Our set-point is like our thermostat setting for allowing us to picture what we desire and for allowing ourselves to receive what we picture or something even better. We’re the ones who ultimately control the settings; which means we can raise them. But, we have to pay attention to how we use our imaginations.

Abraham-Hicks said, “The Universe makes no distinction between the vibration you offer in response to what you are living and the vibration you offer in response to what you are imagining…” It makes NO distinction. Law of Attraction doesn’t know if you’re experiencing something or imagining that you are; it only reads and acts on your inward responses to the movies you run in your mind as requests for more of what your energy vibration is. As above (your energy vibration), so below (the experience that matches your vibration).

You might use your imagination about how a call or meeting or whatever might go. Some call this setting your intention. You might imagine how you’d prefer to feel or behave, and call this setting your intention for how to be. You might write out a list of what you’d like, or cut pictures out and put them on a dream board, or in a box you call your manifestation box. Some might call each of these methods forms of visualization, which is daydreaming. If you use any of these methods, be sure to include some things and experiences that you know or trust are possible sooner than later. This is good practice, and affirming when they happen for you. It raises your set-point about what’s possible.

Notice that none of the ways to use your imagination listed above include picturing the negative that’s happened or could. It’s all about imagining forward in a positive “it’s possible” way. It’s about using your imagination to practice Allowing and Appreciation, to use your imagination to Appreciate what IS possible. Appreciation for what has been and is – of anything or anyone you genuinely appreciate – is excellent practice, especially to gradually raise your set-point ability to imagine and expect and receive more.

Be serious about daydreaming, but do not feel seriousness when you do it. When you deliberately daydream, first, get into a state of appreciation about anything so that your energy vibration is a good one and not one of worry about fixing or changing something, which would match the vibration of lack. Then, either in your mind alone or on paper, create the daydream as you might a scene in a movie, play, or novel. Allow yourself to have all the good feelings you can about this, as you would have when you were a child who had no resistance to this natural process.

When you’re done, instead of attaching your mental energy to the image, capture and keep the good feeling. Replay this scene in your mind or re-read what you wrote to get your feeling vibration in harmony with what you desire, and with allowing what you desire. Do you need to tell the Universe what you want more than once? No. The repetition is for your benefit only.

Start noticing what types of “movies” play on your mental screen, including the dialogue that accompanies them. Notice if you use your imagination in reverse or forward, negative or positive. Check in with how you feel about deliberately daydreaming some each day, with no penalty for doing so.

Daydream the right way, as you did before someone discouraged you and as many inventors, artists, and authors did and do. This brings rewards that include improved productivity, creativity, and all manner of desired experiences Law of Attraction then repeats for you and expands, as you expand what you choose to imagine for you and your life.

Practice makes progress.
© Joyce Shafer

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