Friday, January 2, 2015

Create Your "Order Form" for 2015

This is THE time to get clear about what you want so you know what to aim at in the New Year. Here's a simple technique that helps you do this AND expand your magnetic energy.

Whatever you desire does not have to be important to others, only to you.

You know what you want in the areas of work, finance, family, personal development, spiritual development, social and intimate relationships, fun, and health—right? Or, maybe you sort of know what you want. Or maybe you don’t have a clue. Whichever one is true for you, this will assist you.

One way to amp up your energy and enthusiasm about a dream, goal, or desired outcome is to look at it more thoroughly than you may have, or reveal it to yourself, if you haven’t already. If you do what's suggested below, you'll get clearer and create an order form that inspires and guides you as you move forward, and that makes your energy magnetic.

Get a sheet of paper and a pen or create columns in a document on your computer. Pick something about your life or business you want to see happen, or take each life area listed above and give them their turn.

First column: Write what you don't want (don't list feelings here; they have their own column).You'd write something like “I don't want less than ten new clients a month;” “I don't want clients who don't pay, don't have a sense of humor,” etc. Or, “I don't want a relationship with someone who doesn't share my core values; is emotionally or otherwise unavailable,” etc. If you really want to amp this up, write down everything you don't want in every area of your life. Really purge here. Vent like crazy.

If you believe that positive, focused thinking means you should never put your attention on what you don't want, this is called denial, because what you don't want is rambling around in your subconscious anyway. You might as well give it an opportunity to be heard so it can stop bothering you. Self-sabotage usually happens when our conscious and subconscious thoughts contradict each other. Get the Don't Wants out instead of trying to suppress them.

Second column: Write what you don't want to feel (afraid, unsuccessful, taken for granted, overworked, confused, afraid of failure—or success, unloved if you're successful and prosperous, etc.). Go ahead and give voice to any and every such feeling.

Third column: Write what you do want (ten or more new clients a month; meet and get to know one or more new people also interested in a relationship, etc.). If you're inclined, amp this one up as recommended for the Don't Wants. No limits: if you want it, write it down; anything, everything. If you've been holding back, now is your time to let loose. Remember, this is for you, no one else.

Fourth column: Write what you do want to feel. List everything until nothing else comes up (valued, appreciated, respected, confident, on purpose, fulfilled, prosperous, safe, accepted, loved, etc.).

Fifth column: Write why you want it. Really let loose with this one. Whatever your why is, let it talk to you. When you find your why and it is compelling, you amaze yourself with the inspired ideas and actions that come to you. If your why isn't compelling, check to see if it's a case of "It would be nice . . ." rather than "I passionately intend it" (wish vs. commitment).

Sixth column: Write how you will feel once you have this (fulfilled, validated, free, on purpose, etc.).

Seventh column: Write how others will feel once you have this. How will your new clients feel when they work with you as a confident, fulfilled person? How will your staff and or family feel when they see you feeling so good? How will the person you move toward or into a relationship with feel about being around you, especially if you feel happy with yourself and your life?

Eighth column: Create a statement that helps you amp up your energy about this for as many areas of your life as you created a list for. You want a statement you can really buy into. If, at this time, you feel unsure about getting ten new clients a month or finding someone who wants to be in a relationship with you, writing that you have something as a given won't work, because you're not on board with it yet. And, that's fine. If that’s the case, try something like this: I want to believe that I can find a way to get ten new clients a month; or meet someone I eventually share a relationship with; or feel safe about having more of everything in my life, including money. See how this is a true statement but it doesn't put pressure on you?

Ninth column: Next actions. Maybe one or more next actions (inner or outer) come to you now or came to you as you wrote your responses. If not, not a problem. Write that you ask to be shown one or more next actions and know that because your focus is on receiving them, you will.

Before you go to sleep each night, read your statement(s). What you'll notice is that your statement(s) will change as you open to next actions and take them. You'll move from "I want to believe" to "I believe" to "I can" to "I have" or "I am." It’s a good practice, one you’ll appreciate.                           
Practice makes progress.
© Joyce Shafer

You are welcome to use this article in your newsletter or on your blog/website as long as you use my complete bio with it.

Joyce L. Shafer is a Life Empowerment Coach dedicated to helping people feel, be, and live their true inner power. She’s author of I Don’t Want to be Your Guru, But I Have Something to Say, and other books/ebooks, and publishes a free weekly online newsletter that offers empowering articles. See all that’s offered by Joyce and on her site at

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