primary cause of much, most, or all of our unhappiness is our demanding ego
aspect. Once you understand what this means, you can do something about it,
starting today.
Unhappiness may be as simple as this: If
we’re angry, upset, discontent, bored, or frustrated, we’re allowing ego to run
the show. Contradictions upset the ego aspect. What do I
mean by contradictions? Ego wants life to be easy, but that isn’t always the
case. Ego resists change it didn’t first approve of, but shift happens. Ego
wants money to be easy and abundant, but it isn’t always like that. Ego wants
perfect health and vitality, but that may not be the way it is. Ego wants fair
weather so it can be comfortable, but it rains or snows or is hot and humid.
Ego wants no problems, but challenges happen. It wants people to behave a
certain way, but they don’t.
“The angry person is acutely sensitive to all they are owed by
the world, and blind to all they have received,” said Jules
Evans. This is what happens to the ego: It focuses on its demands and ignores,
discounts, or forgets the blessings and gifts that have been received (in the
moments when you’re appreciating blessings and gifts, you’re not doing ego). Ego
leads to self-absorption (it’s all about me), which leads to regrets. I’ve got
a few of those and still contend with this from time to time, but I’m getting
better as I pay closer attention to this. Just know that the moment ego feels
uncomfortable or insecure, it screams for what it wants, which means it’s
likely screaming in our heads every or nearly every waking moment, unless we do
something about this. I offer a few suggestions for your consideration further
Any contradiction to what ego wants will trigger negative
emotions because the ego’s opinion is that nothing and no one should contradict
what it wants. I know—unrealistic, isn’t it? And annoying. And we all
experience this. What does this ultimately mean? It means that nearly all, if
not all, of our emotional pain is self-inflicted. Ugh.
One thing that helps is to develop flexibility—become
flexible about contradictions. I’ll give you an example from my life. This past
weekend (Nov. 2013), my friend and I planned to do what we’ve been doing for
several Saturdays: Visit my mother in the nursing home then have a leisurely
lunch at one of our favorite places. Instead, we arrived to find my mother
needed to go to the emergency room, her second trip to the E.R. in ten days.
The ambulance took my mother to the hospital and we met her there. Fortunately,
they easily found what the issue was and that it was simple to take care of,
but we were there far longer than anticipated.
By 4:30, they said she could go home but the nursing home van
couldn’t come for her; there were no available drivers—a first for all the E.R.
and hospital stays we’ve had in less than a year. So they called the ambulance
service to do the transport. We learned that even if an ambulance is almost to
the hospital door, if they get an emergency call, that call becomes a priority
(this happened twice as we waited). We waited from 4:30 until 8:30 that evening
for a ride. My mother wasn’t happy. She was understandably exhausted; we all
were. She was sorry she’d altered our plans for the day. I told her we have to
be flexible in life or we’ll end up with two situations: the actual one and the
one caused by our attitude about the situation.
There is a solution that
can help you shift from being negatively affected by the often demanding, often
inflexible ego aspect: Make your life a spiritual quest. In a spiritual quest, you
practice flexibility on all levels; you practice passionate detachment so
emotions stimulated by ego don’t run amok and steal your serenity, joy, and
inner balance. You do this as often as you can re-mind yourself to do so. And
you practice the two most important prayers you can ever say: 1) “Thank you;”
and 2) “Please assist me to expand Perception.”
Heartfelt appreciation opens and expands your energy and
inner power, and attracts resources you need and blessings you didn’t expect.
Expanded Perception liberates you and raises your energy organically because
you begin to struggle less and less with contradictions. Struggle is a result
of ego running the show and running you ragged trying to appease it. The less
you struggle with contradictions, the more the contradictions ease up in your
life (you definitely ease up about them).
And if they don’t ease up in quite the way you’d like, instead of resisting
them, you consider them as part of your spiritual quest and look for why this
might be. When contradictions happen, you’ll look for or feel for the most appropriate way to move yourself through them and
beyond them, as well as what is and is not appropriate action for you to
What if what happens in our lives, the contradictions large
and small, are actually part of the quest we’re currently on, and not as random
as they seem? What if they happen in order to nudge us to choose a spiritual
quest instead of what we usually choose? The
trick is that you have to want to
shift this. You have to have a clear intention and commitment about turning
your life into a spiritual quest rather than an ego-dominated tantrum or
treasure hunt. The Universe awaits a clear sign from you that you’re serious
about this. Once it gets that sign, you’ll begin to see it show up for you more
and more, and in surprising ways. The Universe will not respond to your
requests and needs until you get quiet and calm and trusting. Until then,
you’re like a prickly cactus, and not even your Universal Helpers will approach
Pay attention to how society and media mislead you (your ego
aspect) about what you should expect from life or what you have to have in
order to feel about yourself and your life the way THEY say you should. You may
have been convinced that fitting into the box they’ve said you must want to fit
into or assigned you to fit into is the right way to go, but does it support
your spiritual quest? If it doesn’t, agree to not fit. Stop some or most, or
all, of the struggle the ego leads you into in order to fit into a mold
designed for you by someone else. Forget the molds. The Universe doesn’t and
never will have a mold with your name on it.
Create an expansive inner experience and you’ll find your
outer experiences will start to catch up, but only in ways that are for your
highest good and support your spiritual quest. For example: If a million
dollars or more will actually support this, it’ll show up. If a million dollars
or more will only cause your ego to get quiet for about five seconds before it
starts yowling again, that’s not supportive of your quest. This goes for
anything and everything your ego says it has to have. Or, you may get what your
ego wants and still be miserable and ever-fearful of losing it. Forget what
you’ve been told you must have or do. Forget what others have or are doing.
Follow YOUR quest. Have your own adventure.
Happiness can be yours whenever you release ego’s demands on
you that are based in fear and insecurity. Happiness can be yours when you
become more flexible about inevitable contradictions. Happiness can be yours
when you let go of resistance and embrace flow, which often requires you to be
spontaneous and to trust the “How”—how what you desire will happen: You’ll know
when you know. Happiness can be yours when you are able to stop using the
labels “good” and “bad” about people and situations, as ego would have you do
and say “It just is” and go from there, as your quest self would have you do.
Happiness comes when you can really see what you’ve been doing and how you’ve
been acting, when you can see how different this is from what you desire for
yourself on your spiritual quest—and love yourself in spite of this, while you
work on your energy and Perception. All of this can be an exit visa from the
Assoholics Club that ego tends to create for members, a club we all visit or
linger in at one time or another.
Another thing you can do to help you stop listening to the
demands of ego to the same degree is to reserve using your logic for specific
times, and tune into your feelings (not your emotions—that’s different),
meaning your intuition, inner knowing, gut, head-and-heart alignment—whatever
label works for you. Logic is ego’s playground more often than not. It’s what
makes you turn cartwheels in place in life trying to make or force something to
happen (to satisfy the ego) rather than sitting quietly for a while, asking for
what you want, then waiting for the right answer or resource to connect with
you, however it connects with you, whether that’s an insight, an overheard
comment, a billboard, or any other creative means the Universe uses to reach or
assist you.
Ego wants you to believe you’re an intellect in a body, but
the quest will lead you to realize that you are Feeling expressing in physicality. No matter what you think, say,
or do, it’s always, always about the feeling you have or desire to have. But
please keep this in mind: ask for expanded Perception. Expanded Perception will
get you through situations as you move forward on your spiritual quest. It’s
the limited perception of ego that causes so much trouble in our lives and
causes us to feel negative emotions so often.
Also know that the quest is not necessarily convenient; in
fact, it often isn’t. This is why many start on their spiritual quest and
either ditch it after a while or have lots of starts and stops. The quest asks
you to deal with contradictions differently than you have, which pisses off the
ego in a big way. It might even try to tell you that you (it) were happier
before all this quest stuff. You weren’t, of course, or you never would have
considered the quest to begin with, or you wouldn’t have read this far. Plus,
if your ego tells you to feel special or holy for taking on the quest, you’ll
go round and round the same ego mountain over and over.
Ego wants the quest to be easy. It can be, but at the inner
level, once you start expanding your Perception and become more Flexible, and
remember to say Thank You to the Universe for the gift of all your experiences.
Yes, even the ones that make you uncomfortable. Everything and everyone can
teach you something about yourself, and for the most part, you don’t have to
pay for this “education”.
Your quest helps you build your
spiritual muscles. If you continue to
operate predominantly or solely from ego, your spiritual muscles continue to
shrink, until life and you become lifeless and filled with irritations, and you
feel there’s no way out but death, which ego usually isn’t so keen on either.
But the more you trundle, flow, or stumble down the path of your quest, the
more control you gain of your inner self. The more control you gain of your
inner self, the less ego and others can control you. Paraphrasing one
concentration camp prisoner’s comment: They can take everything from you but
your attitude. Your attitude is part of your inner power. Your quest is your
commitment to your inner power and self-governance, and reconnects or
strengthens your connection to the Infinite you’re a part of. It’s the
difference between happiness being a result of what happens to and for you that
your ego likes or being able to choose happiness no matter what and whenever
YOU choose it.
As you can see, a true spiritual quest requires dedication
from you to evolve beyond the control of the demanding ego. So, even when life
or a situation is challenging, choose to look for the sign that says “Spiritual
Quest This Way” and head toward it. It’s a good practice, one
you’ll appreciate.
Practice makes progress.
© Joyce Shafer
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