Monday, May 12, 2014

Perspective and Power

By Lisa Meade, Ph.D.

Everything contains its own unique energy. Even our perspective. Sit with that for a moment and think on this ... if perspective is energy, what do I want to give energy to? If we invest our time, attention and energy into something we are a proponent of as opposed to something we are against, imagine the results we could manifest!
Being against something or someone can generate an energy that is infused with a negative essence. Your perspective will be impacted by this as you move through your day. BUT if you can shift in the way you are viewing the situation, the relationship or circumstances to a positive perspective, the energies are impacted in kind.
In the shamanic realm, energies can be generated quite quickly and spread with tremendous potency. Knowing this, positive energies that are rippling out and spreading from our thoughts, our actions and our words will have a far more healing and healthy impact in the end than if we place our focus on something we are not in alignment with.
This is not to be confused with going through life with rose colored glasses, but instead making choices that are grounded in the intention of well being, support, healing and growth. The stronger these energies become in my life the more they crowd out and take over the room for the negative aspects of life to be allowed in.
It takes awareness and being in the moment. It takes conscious thought and attention. But the more it is practiced, the readier my mind, body and soul are to enter into that space. Not being in this alignment feels uncomfortable and unfamiliar now. Whereas living a life seeking the power of a positive perspective and focusing my attention and energies there feels rich and vibrant. It becomes an easy choice to make.
Copyright ©2014: Lisa Meade, Ph.D.
Having facilitated at numerous women's empowerment programs, women’s spiritual retreats and shamanic offerings, Lisa Meade brings a unique style of leadership to the community.  She offers a wide range of services so that her clients are able to choose what works best for their needs, whether in person, by phone, online, in a group setting or one on one. Lisa is an avid writer and many share her Spirit Blog. She has also served as a contributor to various online magazines, and hosts several social media pages. Creating global connections through the variety of these relationships has allowed Lisa to bring her service as a Shaman and Spiritual Life Coach and Soul Mentor to clients internationally as well as close to home. Lisa takes great pride in helping those that she works with see the potent energy to be found by being present and in the moment, to tap into the beauty of the gifts and lessons that are brought to their day and how to bring their soul and its wondrous energy to each thought, action and word spoken. To learn more about Lisa Meade and her offerings visit

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