By Guy Finley
Key Lesson: The more you identify with some imagined place
-- or time -- where you will at last be able to slow down and rest, the faster
you rush to get there.
Stepping Out of Anxious Thoughts and Feelings
The following key lessons are taken from 365
Days to Let Go. Use
their insights to help you start stepping out of anxious thoughts and
There is no worry so great, no anxious rush for
resolution so strong, that these terrible twins cannot be taken up, reduced,
and returned to their basic nothingness by that mind brought back into its
native quietude. Learning to be still is not just the remedy for our
self-wrecking states, but proves to be their permanent cure.
If anxious thoughts and feelings had any power to
help us reach some place in life where, finally, we'd be released from the pain
of always feeling rushed... don't you think we'd have reached there by now!
If we
want to understand why we feel troubled as we do, we need only
"tune-in" to the parts of ourselves we're listening to. All the
"sounds" of life are revelatory, but none are perfunctory; so, if we
keep hearing discordant thoughts and feelings within us -- whose vibrations
disturb us -- it isn't because life sings this song. Our unrest continues only because of
an unseen interior choice, and to see the truth of this is to realize one of
the great keys to the Kingdom
of Heaven : as
goes our attention, so comes our experience.
This article is excerpted from 365 Days
to Let Go.
Finley is the
best-selling author of The Secret of
Letting Go, The Essential Laws of Fearless Living, and 35
other works that have sold over a million copies in 18 languages
worldwide. His work has been featured on hundreds
of radio and TV networks including NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR, and PBS. Guy has
spent the last 30 years showing individuals the authentic path to a higher life
filled with happiness, success, and true love. Finley lives and teaches in
Merlin, Oregon
where he is Director of non-profit Life of Learning Foundation.
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